So today is a great day, but a day that could almost be looked over. Today is my Mom's Birthday Day! My mom does not want gifts on this special day and would actually get mad at my dad if he bought her something. So I wanted to get my fans to know what Mom does for me and my family. This morning I interviewed all my family to find out what makes our mom the best mom there is. Without and further hesitations, Why Mom Rocks!
Me (Asher): My mom feeds me whenever I am hungry with the most natural and organic home cooking that there is. She makes me all sorts of cool clothing and accessories (which she is thinking of selling so if you are interested, let me know. She makes baby legs, carriers, hats, swaddling blankets, sleep sacks, and other things. They are good and stylish and customizable) She also looks after me, protects me from my sister, and makes sure I do not eat things that would kill me like Strawberry Shortcake and My Little Pony pieces. When every I cry she picks me up and makes me feel better. She is always there for me and I love spending time with her. She is the best mommy I have every had.
Gillian: My mom helps me be a princess every day! She finds my toys for me that have unexplainably become lost. She gives me snacks when I am hungry and tolerates my unique and incomplete clothing choices. I know she does not like it but she lets me climb on her. She doesn't give me as many time outs as I sometimes deserve and is always there to comfort me when I am having a night terror. She know that even when I am goofing around, assaulting Asher, or blatantly disregarding her requests, that I lover her all the time. I got really lucky that my Mom is my mom. She is great and I love her sooooooo much!
Liana: Wow, what do I want to say to Mom? I have so much but I left my notes at preschool so I am going to have to do this from the the mental notes. My mother makes me proud to me a woman. I watch her run our house from the financials to the day to day logistics. Nothing phases her and she always keeps her cool. The three little people in our house can be a handful, but she handles us very well. Because of her I want to be a Mommy and something else. We are a full time job, yet she works to help other people all the time. I need to lead my cohorts in helping her keep the house clean, but it is hard when there are just so many ponies to play with. She has improved my computer skills to the point where I am a junior Geek Squad agent. She really is an inspiring person and I am happy to have her as a mother.
Scott: This is a great idea Asher. I would be happy to contribute to this. Ann Lesley really is a fantastic mother. She manages a house, children, careers, and me (I am probably the hardest to manage of the list). She works hard. I mean really hard. Hard might not even be the right word. She is always working. Whether it is cleaning, cooking, creating, composing, crafting, combusting, camping, crooning, whatever, she is doing it with vigor and gusto that masks how tired she really is. She is an amazing mother and wife and I am luck to have her. It has been a great run so far and it can only keep getting better. So here's to you Ann Lesley on the second anniversary of your 29th birthday!
It's me Asher again. So what do you want to tell Ann Lesley on her birthday? Use the comments box below to leave your wishes and what she means to you. Anyone who has had the privilege and honor to know Ann Lesley is better because of it. Help us celebrate her birthday fans. Hopefully you will do this more than you have submitted to my contest. Submit to both!
Thanks and happy birthday Mom!