- Why people wear pants? I love walking around without pants. I can pee or poop where ever it strikes my fancy. I am like a majestic lion on the savannahs of Africa. Yes, a lion.
- Why do my parents use plates? They look like frisbees and throw like them. I prefer to eat off of my placemat before I use the placemat as a hat. Less cleaning, less throwing.
- Why my sisters don't play with trucks? Wheels are so much more fun than pony legs.
- Why my parents get mad when I pull things off of shelves? I like things on the ground so I pull large amounts of things on the ground. Books, toys, clothing etc. I like nesting in them.
- Why can I not rock our tall chairs back and forth while standing on them? I have not fallen yet so I clearly know what I am doing.
- Why I am not allowed to do Traditional Irish Dancing on our counter high table top? I have feet of flames and I am the little lord of the dance. I need to express myself at counter top height. Let my muse free from your stifling embrace, parents!
- Why can I only use my toothbrush and not everyone else's in my family? I have been told variety is the spice of life. I want to live while brushing my teeth.
- Why do people get frustrated when I walk up to the TV and turn it off while people are watching shows intently? Really, I am curious. I am just trying to conserve energy.
- Why do people get upset when I hit them in the head or pull their hair? Don't they want me to have fun? I really do find this fun.
- Why am I so cute? Look at my parents. Nuff said.
More to come later as I have a lot of questions since I am just a baby. Less than two weeks until I am two. I bet I do not get a party.
11. Why will I not get a birthday party? Me and Ari could paint the town red between naps.