Audrey at Gillian's Princess Birthday Party |
I might show a sign of weakness, but I miss Audrey bunches. Not only did she program for my sisters admirably with the rest of Rishonim staff, but she squeezed my legs, gave me kissy faces, and talked about me in Yiddish. It was sad to see her leave early, but she went home to learn more Hebrew for school, which is a fine reason to leave camp. I hope she will be back next year cause she is nice. When I was checking my Facebook this morning, I saw that it was Audrey's Birthday. Now that is a special day. I was talking to my sisters and we all agree that this should be the best birthday you have ever had. We would give you hugs, but we keep scratching the screen when we try to reach in. Happy Birthday Audrey. Here are some pictures of you.

On a different note, we leave Chicago today to head back home. It was a really nice weekend seeing everyone. It is too many people to list, but it was really a lot of fun with everyone. We start our trek home soon. I will blog when I get home. Thanks camp for a great summer and my grandparents for a great time in Chicago!
Love you guys! Wish I could hug you through the screen too!!!!