Great-Great Grandma Roma with Gaga, Mommy, Liana, and Gillian (September 2009) |

Sorry for my absence the past several days. Almost as soon as we got home to St. Louis we had to leave again. My great-great-grandma died, so we traveled to Claremore, Oklahoma for her memorial service. Being in the car again was the last thing I was interested in, but I got to add a new state to my list and once we got there I got to meet a lot of new relatives--Great-Grandma (Carol Hamvas, my mom's grandma), Great-Uncle Dan (mom's dad's brother), Great-Great Aunt Gwen (mom's dad's aunt) and Great-Great Aunt and Uncle Ann and Chuck (mom's dad's aunt and uncle). That's a lot of greats! They all loved me, of course. Everyone told lots of stories about Great-Great Grandma, and I was sad that I never got the chance to meet her. The rest of my family visited her last year when I was still in Mommy's tummy, so I guess I kind of met her, but not really. It sounds like she was a really cool lady, and I know she was proud of her family. While we were there we spent a lot of time looking at old photo albums and reading through her old letters that she had kept. I mostly tried to shove everything in my mouth because that's just the way I roll, but it was also pretty impressive to see those pictures--some of them from as long ago as the 1920s! She sure witnessed a lot of history in her 98 years. And she was active right up until the end--she loved writing too, and just a few weeks ago we had received a newsletter she had written chronicling the first 6 months of this year (of course I had a starring role in that newsletter!). She will be missed, but she had a long life and accomplished a lot, and was satisfied with and grateful for the life she had. We should all be so lucky!
And here's your picture of me for the day! |
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