Monday, April 23, 2012

Bird is the Word

This weekend Uncle Jack and Aunt Lisa came and visited.  It was awesome.  We went to a lot of places and got some fun crafts.  Jack played video games with Dad and Lisa had some nice girl time with the sisters.  Sunday morning we went to the neighborhood garage sale.  We walked around and bought other people's stuff.  I think I really like garage sales.  I wanted to grab anything with wheels that I saw.  I did not care if it was a Hot Wheel, Big Wheel, Wheel Chair, Spinning Wheel, Wheel of Cheddar, Wheel of Fate, Wheel of Fortune, the Wheel in the Sky (keeps on turning), The Wheelers (from Return to Oz), Stealers Wheel, 18 Wheelers, Popping a Wheelie, and a Train.  You all know I love things with wheels.  But that is not the best thing we saw.  We found art. 

Now I love paintings, sculptures, photography, and all other sorts of creative expression.  What we found was something truelly spectacular.  Sitting, leaning up against a car, stood a canvas taller than me.  Solid orange, black, white, blue and yellow stood the bird.  The bird and I made eye contact and it was over.  I must have you, I thought.  This must be mine.  I was strapped to Mom's back and she kept walking.  Why were we not buying this amazing piece?  All I knew was that the street looped back so we would see it again. 

As we were passing it again, I tried to explain to Mom that I really wanted the Bird.  She was not listening to me.  I think part of the problem is that I still do not speak English.  I made eye contact with Dad and he knew what to do.  He intervened on my behalf and it began.  Uncle Jack made the artist sign it, money was exchanged, and now The Bird is sitting in our house.  It does not get any more awesome than that.  Take a look for yourself.  IS THIS NOT AWESOME?
The Bird

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