A: Articulate
D: Diplomatic
D: Distinguished
I: Intrepid
E: Eloquent
These are all words that start with the letters that spell Addie. My mom tells me that this is called an acrostic. Meow, these are not necessarily the words I would use to describe Addie. I just like to use my swelled seven month old vocabulary. Addie can be described using these words: Awesome, patient, passionate, fun, tolerant, and festive, but as she would say: awes, pats, passi, FU, toler, and fest.

I miss my nights crying for your company at camp. Many people might assume that I was crying because my growing belly needed to be lactated, but I was crying because I wanted to be cradled in your arms. You took such good care of me this summer. How many good times did we have? Well, we will always have the lake and the Sims. I hope that next summer you can chase me around the large grassy fields at camp while my big sister hangs out with her friends and my little tormentor runs around in a dress searching for momma monkey to carry her. If you were a precious metal, you would be adamentium, if you were a fruit, you would be a kiwi, and if you were a land mass, you would be a peninsula. I can't wait for you to come back in town so that we can watch videos. I hope you do not get hit too hard at college, you are going to Knox. HA! I am a lyrical poet. I use words like Vlad uses eggs--majestically. Good luck with the Garden Beans. And in conclusion, I am going to need my flannel back. It is my favorite.
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